IP in M&A, Private Equity & other Corporate Transactions

We have unparalleled experience in advising on the IP issues arising in mergers & acquisitions (M&A), venture capital and private equity transactions. This includes advising on some of the largest and most complex multinational transactions ever undertaken on the African continent.

As part of our work on M&A transactions, we advise on IP due diligence, the transfer of global IP, patent design and trade mark portfolios, transitional and long-term IP licensing arrangements, and other IP separation and carve-out issues. We also advise on IP issues in the context of initial public offerings in IP-rich industry sectors, including biotechnology, technology and telecommunications.​​

Webber Wentzel > Expertise > Services > Intellectual Property (IP) > IP in M&A, Private Equity & other Corporate Transactions
Johannesburg +27 (0) 11 530 5000
Cape Town +27 (0) 21 431 7000
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